How Ecommerce Fraud costs Businesses Millions Every year


This Sales Call company has cracked the code to ensure Frustration-free Calls for Customers

Ecommerce businesses are known for their large-scale setup to both manufacture ad digest profits easily. However, setting up a business online requires an extensive Online Fraud Prevention mechanism to ensure customer privacy and control. Very few businesses are aware of the updated policies, and practices, and changing customer taste in terms of privacy control. Unaware businesses become the feedstock of online fraudsters looking for ways to dupe customers. 

Reasons for Frauds at eCommerce companies

Common reasons for Frauds at eCommerce setups are,

·         Not installing Rudimentary anti-fraud tools that are meant for specific fraud issues

·         Using HTTP over HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)

·         Going above and beyond to collect unnecessary information about the customer

·         Not using an Address Verification service


Another crucial reason why eCommerce companies are not able to prevent fraud activities is the dynamic nature of the business. Everyone is responsible for a tonne of activities. The best way to avoid such a situation is to deploy a Fraud detection company. My personal suggestion would be PingCall. PingCall was rated as one of the best pay-per-call service companies by its first 55 clients. The reputation can be gauged from the fact that these 55 clients have turned into loyal customers(one of them being me). 

What PingCall offers to its eCommerce clients for Fraud Prevention

First of all, this is not one of those promotional posts. But, the set of tools offered by PingCall needs to be discussed more. The precision and constant support to handle and assess the analytics are mind-boggling.

1.    A team of experts is constantly at your disposal to help you get leads that convert within minutes

2.    Team of experts to provide biometric voice support to detect instances of identity theft

3.    Fraud awareness campaigns at regular intervals with stakeholders

The number of frauds is on the rise. Recruiting the best set of tools and resources will help you ensure customer trust in your brand. On the contrary, too many fraud events are going to make people wary of your brand.


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