Are prospects getting frustrated with your financial lead generation calls? Here’s Why!

Financial advisors go through burning crossroads to capitalize on their hard-earned knowledge. However, not a lot of prospects happen to be interested to hear about their financial stability and soundness. As a result, they end up losing the charm and wear out!

But the real question is what makes the subject of finance such a dreadful one? And if it's that difficult, how have the finance giants managed to develop stable lead generation for financial services. Now that I have your attention, let's move on to find out why you are not able to make the cut. 

Top 3 Habits that are driving away your financial Leads

Financial lead generation programs need to focus on resolving customer problems by simplifying their problem. However, financial sales representatives fail to provide solutions that last in the long term. Some of the most annoying habits include, 

A lot of Pitches 

Nothing frustrates a lead more than being thrown sales pitches. Leads are prospects and potential customers who wish to experience your process before investing in it. Therefore, the worst thing you can do is to manipulate them using a sales-loaded language. 

Using financial jargon to showcase expertise 

Sales personnel trying to generate free leads for financial advisors spend hours on the insurance vocabulary. However, your targeted leads may or may not be aware of the used words. According to experienced professionals at Pingcall, customers at the other end of the call hardly ever see an explanation of terms they can't understand. Why?

  1. It consumes a lot of time

  2. Customers feel tested by the agency and hate to be seen as amateurs

  3. Often there is no use because the customer does not know if the sales representative knows enough about it

The entire purpose of using jargon to showcase expertise, therefore, falls flat on the leads. The best way is to understand the jargon but use them only with prospects who are able and willing to understand. 

Sticking to a pattern 

Financial advisors and agents often provide calling scripts to sales representatives. These scripts are supposed to help you increase conversions. But, most salespersonnels end up sounding robotic. What's worse? Being indifferent to the customer's paint point. A customer who is struggling with a mid-size loan may feel humiliated if you suggest a large-sized loan. The best thing to stick with is customer experience and providing the right solution. 

Pingcall has been accumulating leads for financial agencies since the beginning of time. The pay-per-call agency designs a customized lead generation program that connects companies with the best data systems to empower them. Connect with us now! So for more call us@+1-(855) 239-7670 or visit at website:


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